Blog Thema Circular economy Green Dot rates Reuse Prevention Legislation Litter Ecodesign Innovation Sorting out of home Recycling Sorting Legislation News 06/07/2022 A new measuring methodology to calculate recycling figures BlogInnovationNews HolyGrail 2.0 announces successful semi-industrial test for sorting using digital watermarks 01/07/2022 BlogRecyclingNews Fost Plus recycled almost 90% of all household packaging in 2021 14/06/2022 BlogEcodesignCase study Colruyt Group reduces their use of virgin material thanks to a milk bottle made of opaque PET 07/06/2022 BlogEcodesignCase study A new lid for the beverage Ricoré that’s easier to sort and recycle 19/05/2022 BlogSorting out of homeNews Fost Plus helps festivals and summer events sort better 13/05/2022 BlogCircular economyNews Official opening of the fourth new sorting centre for the New Blue Bag 10/05/2022 BlogRecyclingOpinion Challenges and opportunities for recycling complex fibre packaging 10/05/2022 BlogInnovationNews Artificial intelligence helps analyse sorting quality 05/05/2022 BlogSorting out of homeNews Sorting PMD in the workplace? Just like at home... 05/05/2022 Pagination Eerste Vorige … 5 6 7 8 9 (current) 10 11 12 13 … Volgende Laatste
BlogInnovationNews HolyGrail 2.0 announces successful semi-industrial test for sorting using digital watermarks 01/07/2022
BlogEcodesignCase study Colruyt Group reduces their use of virgin material thanks to a milk bottle made of opaque PET 07/06/2022
BlogEcodesignCase study A new lid for the beverage Ricoré that’s easier to sort and recycle 19/05/2022
BlogCircular economyNews Official opening of the fourth new sorting centre for the New Blue Bag 10/05/2022