Now more than ever, sustainable and recyclable packaging is essential. Fost Plus is happy to help your company. We have developed a wide service range with solutions for every company, from personal advice to in-depth analyses and benchmarks. To allow your company to contribute to the circular packaging economy, too.


Reduce & Re-Use MatchMaker

Packaging prevention and re-use will become a major challenge in all sectors in the years to come. Fortunately, there are an increasing number of companies that can help you do just that. Fost Plus brings them together in one handy tool and shows you the way to potential partners.

Meldpunt Oververpakking

Contact Point Superfluous Packaging

Consumers can go to the Contact Point for Superfluous Packaging for all their questions about packaging that they consider unnecessary. They will immediately find extensive answers to the most frequently asked questions about this theme. When necessary, we help our members to formulate an answer to specific questions, and we also work closely with members who often receive questions from consumers. Thanks to the Contact Point, we can respond to questions from consumers, we can identify unnecessary packaging more quickly and our members are given the opportunity to explain their choice for a particular packaging.


Guidelines – do’s and don’ts for recyclable packaging

Do you want to improve the sustainability of your packaging, but are unsure where to start? Then be sure to consult our Design-for-Recycling Guidelines. They explain all the do’s and don’ts for (more) recyclable packaging. We focus among other things on packaging made of various different materials, multiple layers and bio-plastics. We also make recommendations about sleeves, labels, pigments and coatings.

The guidelines are based on the collection scenarios and recycling processes used for the household packaging collected in Belgium. This means you can be sure that all your packaging can be efficiently and sustainably recycled.

Check also our Design4Recycling FAQ


Packaging diagnoses – personal and confidential advice

Are you thinking of putting a new packaging on the market and want to be sure that it can be effectively recycled? Have you looked at a number of sustainable alternatives but are uncertain which is the best choice? As a Fost Plus member, you can contact us for personal – and totally confidential – advice, free of charge.

In most cases we can give you a definite answer about the sortability and recyclability of your new packaging after a simple initial interview. If necessary, we can go a step further and put you in contact with an external party for a more in-depth analysis of your packaging.

Contact us for more information.

Workshops – info sessions in your company

Do you market large quantities of packaging? Do you want to make everyone in your company aware of the importance of Design4Recycling? Then contact us to arrange a workshop in your company. We bring together staff and decision-makers from the various departments in your company, including purchasing, marketing, logistics or R&D. We show them examples of packaging that is difficult to sort and recycle and explain why. At the same time, we point out the alternatives that are already available to make your packaging more suitable and recyclable.

Contact us for more information.

workshop verpakkingen bedrijf

Benchmarks – analysis of your complete range

For members who put large quantities of packaging on the market, we develop a personalised process. Based on a detailed analysis of your declaration, we identify all the packaging in your range that cannot be recycled or is difficult to recycle. We compare the composition of your packaging with that of companies in similar sectors and suggest recyclable alternatives to those on the market today. Where necessary, we work out a transition project together to systematically phase out the non-recyclable packaging.

Contact us for more information.

Sorting instructions on your packaging – help consumers sort better

Do you want to help consumers sort your packaging correctly? To do so, you can use the Fost Plus on-pack sorting instructions and logos. We have created a full range of graphic elements, ready for use on all your packaging. There are variants for small and large packaging, in various languages and for the various materials: PMD, paper-cardboard and glass.

Download the graphic elements and the style guide for the correct use of the logos below.

sorteerinstructies on-pack

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