
CO2 meters made of recycled butter tubs for monitoring air quality in Flemish and Walloon classrooms


The Flemish Institute for Technological Research (VITO) and Connectum have developed, in collaboration with Fost Plus, a CO2 meter in the shape of a little house for primary schools.

The houses are made of recycled polypropylene (PP) from the New Blue Bag. Recycled materials from butter tubs and plastic pots, among other things, are thus given a new life. The expansion of the sorting message to include plastic packaging saves about 100,000 tonnes of CO2 per year in Belgium. By using recycled raw materials to produce the CO2 meters, Fost Plus completes the loop.

Every year in Flanders, Fost Plus (in collaboration with the Flemish Region) offers educational workshops, including in more than 400 primary schools. In Wallonia, in partnership with Be WaPP, the company is offering schools a labelling project on waste management, including personalised on-site support and activities. All schools can also download fun and enriching educational packages online. The organisation makes available more than 2000 CO2 meters to classes that register for a training session starting in January 2022 (LABO – ‘Leren Afval Beheren op School’ (Learning to Manage Waste at School)) or involved in the project “Label Ecole Plus Propre”.

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