
Litter cost info session: Fost Plus explains allocation key and cost model


Any company producing household packaging will have to contribute to litter costs. This is the result of the EU Single Use Plastics Directive. The country's three regions are working to transpose this directive into an interregional cooperation agreement. The current version of the text proposal mentions a sum of €189 million to cover the cost of cleaning up litter caused by packaging. In recent months, Fost Plus, together with Comeos, Detic, Fevia and Indufed, has drawn up a calculation method to determine everyone's share of the costs. While the final amount has not yet been determined, it is certain that this is a significant, additional cost for the companies. To bring everyone along and clarify the impact on companies, the various federations are organising webinars for their members.

The info sessions are reserved for Fost Plus members. For more information, please contact the respective federations.

  • Trading companies can participate through Comeos on June 12
  • Food companies can participate through Fevia on June 13th 
  • Manufacturers and distributors of cosmetics, detergents, maintenance products, adhesives and mastics, biocides and aerosols can participate through DETIC on June 21st